Sunday, July 07, 2024

Apartment Life #325

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

You might remember a few weeks ago I told you that my apartment complex installed 2 of the electric car charging stations in the alley. Well this week I noticed someone had completely cut the hose off of one of them. I circled in red where it was cut.

This is the second one and you can see there's supposed to be a long hose attached to it. People have been uncoiling the hose and leaving it on the ground with this one. I wonder if they will fix the one with the cut hose? I knew this was a bad idea.

This was the weather forecast for this week. So besides it being incredibly hot this week, it's been pretty quiet. I wonder if we'll actually make it to 118F/47C today like the forecast is showing?

On the 4th of July, after the fireworks around 1AM, the police helicopter was flying around my street. The police never showed up though,

I watched some fireworks on the 4th from my cameras. It was too darn hot to be outside. lol There were a lot of illegal fireworks going off around here. I saw on the news that there were 193 outside fires caused by illegal fireworks and 18 building fires caused by the illegal fireworks. I'm actually surprised I didn't see any fires around here.

The high this week was 116F/46C
The low this week was 83F/28C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Some right-wingnuts have a weird hatred of electric cars and like to vandalize the charging stations. On the other hand, maybe the hose just had some kind of metal in it someone thought they could sell.

    As long as there aren't actual arrests and serious penalties for illegal fireworks, there will continue to be fires caused by them. My suggestion would be to give each person whose home was damaged a baseball bat and ten minutes to work over the person who set off the fireworks.

    1. Some people just like to destroy stuff and that's sad. We'll never be rid of the fireworks.

  2. Those temperatures are way, way too hot. I would be hunkered down inside hoping to stay cool. And definitely too hot to get into mischief.

  3. Considering where that firework is going off, I am surprised none of your buildings caught fire.
    Electric car chargers in your neighborhood was a really dumb idea.

    1. Oh believe me, so am I. That's why I was watching the cameras to see if anything caught fore.

  4. Nice shot of the firework! Well, you knew those charging stations were just going to be a magnet for someone to destroy. Bet they were never even used. What a waste of money.

    1. I've never once seen them being used.

  5. Oh no! It looks like the electric vehicle charging station was a very bad idea. It is way too hot in your neighborhood. I am so over fireworks. It seems a whole lot like lighting money on fire to me.

    1. It was such a dumb idea. Lighting money on fire is right.

  6. Those kind of high temps are so insane. I can't believe what a hot summer it's been. Stay cool this week!

    1. It actually beat a record for the hottest day ever at 120 today.

  7. Terrible vandalizing the charging station like that.

  8. That's a lot of damage caused by fireworks. Private fireworks are very unusual here and they certainly don't cause so much damage.
    I don't know what can be done to prevent vandalised electric chargers. As Infidel says, right-wing nutjobs trying to prove something.

    1. We have legal and illegal fireworks and it's the illegal ones that cause the damage.

  9. Climate and vandalism are constant issues in our life.

  10. No surprise as I too didn't give the charging stations a chance to survive.

  11. There is vandalism here too. :( I was reading an article (not in Ireland) online about a guy who had some fireworks on his head. Him and his buddies were drinking and the guy with the fireworks died due to the blast. No one is arrested yet but what a fool, no shortage of dummies in this world.

    1. Wow, that doesn't even surprise me.

  12. Too bad someone has to destory things that don't belong to them. I hope our fireworks end soon, it's been night after night. Dang, it's way too hot out your way!

    1. I'm still hearing fireworks at night too. It actually beat a record and is 120F/48C today.

  13. Good thing you do not drive a Tesla LOL We are having a hellish week here as well, even my lil neck cooler did not help me much when I went shopping at 45C! I am red as lobster even with SP50 cream on my head LOL

    1. My face, nose and chest are so red from just going out for 5 minutes at a time with Falcor.

  14. I supposed it's nice that you can watch the fireworks from inside your home - as long as no one gets hurt!

    1. lol Yes it was nice and I could look out for fires.

  15. My goodness, your temperature is high!

    All the best Jan

    1. I can't believe I'm saying this but it was even hotter this week so far.

  16. I do remember when they installed the electric charging car stations. It was just a matter of time until they were vandalized, wasn't it?

    I missed any fireworks, but I heard neighbors shooting off illegal ones. I know the fire numbers were high here too, although I haven't seen a final count yet. One of my daughter's Girl Scout friends and family had to evacuate their home because of fireworks that set brush on fire nearby. Luckily, there house was okay, but one home in the area wasn't so lucky.

    I hope you stay cool in this heat! Have a great week, Mary.

    1. Fireworks should be illegal because of the fires.


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