Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Book Review: Big Burly Foreman by Cassi Hart


Book Description

For the past two years, I’ve been drawn to the mysterious older cowboy working my father’s ranch. Something about his strong body and stoic façade draws me in. I’ve done everything I can think of it get his attention with no luck. I want him, but he doesn’t see me. That is, until my father sets me up with the son of his new friend. Suddenly, my cowboy has decided to claim me, and he’ll stop at nothing until everyone knows I’m his.

I never intended to become a cowboy, but after my military career was unexpectedly cut short, here I am. I enjoy working with my hands and body every day. I enjoy knowing the boss’s daughter is watching me even more. Ashley may be her rich daddy’s princess, but after two years of keeping my distance, I’m ready to make her my queen. That kid her father wants her to marry doesn’t stand a chance at coming between me and what’s mine.

My Review

Ashley is an heiress and she and Logan have feelings for each other but neither know it. He's watched her as she's watched him but they have never acted on their feelings at all. When her parents set her up with someone in an arranged marriage, he can't let her go because he doesn't like the guy and he wants her for himself. So he let's his feelings be know once and for all. He doesn't give her time to come to grips with the reality that he's not going to let her marry this other guy before they get caught together by her family and he let's a big secret slip that shocks her family. 

This was a pretty quick read and while Ashley and Logan always liked each other they went from not acting on it to a fully involved couple very quickly. Nothing like an arranged marriage to put a spark under a cowboy's hat and spark him into finally acting on his feelings. I liked the storyline but Logan was a bit pushy and brusk for my liking. Why did it take so long for him to tell her how he felt? But things seemed to work out in the end. 

I give this book 3 out of 5 stars. 


  1. Arranged marriages do my head in. Glad it works out for this couple (and it is about their feelings not family convenience).

    1. I don't like arranged marriages either.

  2. What's the "big secret that shocks her family"? Was it that he too was rich all along, just worked as a cowboy for fun?

    1. I see in another post you found out what it was. lol

  3. I'm curious about that big secret, too. ;D

  4. A big secret and only a three?!?!

    1. Yeah but a 3 is still a good read.

  5. Haha, yeah, guess he needed a kick in the jeans to get with it.

  6. Awesome review. Thank you.

  7. Arranged marriage there? Weird

    1. Her parents wanted her to marry someone of her station.


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