Sunday, August 04, 2024

Apartment Life #329

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

The police helicopter was flying right over my head for a few minutes while I was out walking with Falcor. No police cars showed up though.

I spotted these pretty purple flowers near someone's door across the street and just had to get a picture of them. I love purple flowers. Purple is my favorite color.

I spotted the Blimp close to my neighborhood this week. I hardly ever see it flying around anymore. I remember when I was a kid in the 70's it would fly around at night and had blinking lights on it that would turn into Pac Mac type characters that would chase each other. I wonder if anyone else remembers that?

We had some wind this week and some of the branches on the tree across the street broke and were on the ground. 

You know that PODS container that I've talked about? People keep spray painting graffiti on it. 

On Wednesday when my daughter was heading back from the store she found this bullet standing on the block wall. I don't know why someone left a single bullet on the wall. Maybe as a warning to someone? Or maybe they were loading their gun and just forgot it there? Who knows.

It says it's a .38 special. I know there's plenty of people around here who have guns, it could have been anyone. But with the price of ammunition these days according to my brother, I'm wondering why someone would leave a bullet out like this.

I got a video of the guy I was talking about a while back that keeps trying people's doorknobs to see if they are unlocked. For two hours on Wednesday he stood over here walking back and forth talking and yelling to himself and a few times he stood in front of that window staring into it. He's homeless, schizophrenic and I'm guessing is on drugs which makes the mental problems worse. The police won't do a thing about him trying doorknobs or looking into windows, they've been called but I now have this and other videos of him just in case things escalate.  
I also wanted to let you know that my daughter has been posting on her blog, Gloomy Gardens again if you want to visit. It's funny because we sometimes post about the same things. lol She laughs because I use her some of her food pictures from Instagram that she takes because they come out better than mine. 

The high this week was 108F/42C
The low this week was 78F/25C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Homeless and with a mental illness would make life very hard. And drugs certainly wouldn't help.

  2. That bullet was probably a warning to someone. That dude needs to move on!

  3. "Gloomy Gardens" ... I love that blog name and will check it out. Maybe you or your daughter can help me decipher what the Official Witch of Los Angeles wrote when I asked her to sign my copy of her book. Photo at

    1. I had my daughter help me try and figure out the symbols and I left a comment on that post.

    2. Got it. Thanks to both of you for deciphering that long standing mystery.

    3. You're very welcome.

  4. Seems so random to find a bullet like that. Guess it's better than finding it in a gun. Have a good week, Mary!

  5. Will check out Gloomy Gardens

  6. The dude that keeps looking in the window is creepy. It's a pity the cops don't do something. I suppose they will when there is a crisis and someone gets hurt.

  7. Creepy with the bullet

  8. That's weird about the bullet. At least it wasn't a spent round I guess? Happy Sunday!

    1. True, though I've found several of those as well over the years.

  9. Weird about that bullet! The flowers are so pretty! They might be azaleas. Have a great week, and stay safe, Mary!

    1. They could be, I'm not good at finding out what the flowers are.

  10. I doubt if the bullet was a warning to someone. If that was the case, surely it would be left on their doorstep or posted through the letterbox?

  11. Hope Falcor did not take the branch home LOL

    1. No, he just pee'd all over it. lol


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