Friday, August 30, 2024

My first AI Pictures

Earlier this month I was on Instagram and when I went to upload a picture I was given a chance to create an avatar. My daughter tried to do this but so far I've only seen it available while using my laptop. So I played around with it and came up with these. 

You just type a few words into the box for custom avatar and it generates a pictures from your description. This one had the words, demons and rats, purple and horns. 

This one I typed, demon, fairy, dogs, rats, horns, long hair. 
The little white dog came out looking like a hybrid rat/dog that looks kinda like Falcor. lol 

These rat/dogs made me laugh because they really looked like little Falcor's if he was part rat. How cute are they? I love the dresses that these pictures generated. 

I typed in, mage, dragons, purple and glowing eyes. 

I love the little dragons. 

So these were my first attempt at any kind of AI pictures. That was fun to do. 


  1. They are fun. I haven't played with AI yet. At all.

    1. I wasn't going to until I saw it on Instagram.

  2. Kinda scary that it can take from thousands of other artists and create those.
    You should use the one with the rats that look like Falcor.

    1. Yeah it is. I will probably use that one on something.

  3. We do ever so love dragons! I did ask AI if I am the most famous carrier of my surname in the world, as AI said "Indeed you are, my liege" LOL

  4. I use it often for my blog and especially my Tiktok/FBReels/YouTube shorts

  5. These are SO amazing! And fun, too. I love the first and last ones the most. :D

  6. Very cool and fun.

  7. We're not fans of AI but I gotta say those are amazing and that big dragon is something!

    1. As long as I know it's AI, i've gotten used to it.

  8. Yeah, pretty good with the key words you typed in. Love the rat dogs, too.

  9. It is fun to play around with AI. I used it to make pictures of the characters in the book I am writing.

  10. I have been wanting to update my avatar. I'm very tempted to try something similar.

  11. I like that first one with the rats. And those rat dogs look kinda cute and creepy at the same time. The dresses look nice too.

    1. Yes, I thought they were cute too.

  12. So cool. I love them all.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  13. These are amazing, Mary!
    So cool and fun!

    Happy Sunday!

  14. I love it. I want some

    1. I guess not everyone has been able to see the AI thing on Instagram yet.

  15. So cool! How fun. I really like the first one with the rats all cuddly in the hood.


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