Sunday, September 08, 2024

Apartment Life #334

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

On Tuesday at 11PM I saw the flashing lights from the ambulance as it showed up. They came into my courtyard and took one of my neighbors away on a stretcher. The neighbor has been really sick and is going through cancer treatments. I haven't seen her come back home yet. 

Wednesday the ambulance was here at 1AM for someone else in my courtyard. I had been asleep until the lights from the ambulance woke me up so I have no idea what happened. Even with my curtains closed if the ambulance parks right in front of my bedroom window at night, those lights are very bright and light up my room. Hopefully whoever it was is alright.

On Thursday the police were questioning the two women who have been living out of this U-Haul truck for at least 2 months that I've noticed. It was 7AM this morning and they were asleep in the back of the truck and had the door open about a foot to get some air. I think that's why the police stopped to check it out. I figured the U-Haul was stolen maybe. But the police didn't tow it away so maybe not. The women have been parking it in different spots in my neighborhood for a couple of months and I've seen them sleeping in the back of it. If it was stolen or they weren't paying for it I would imagine the police would have found out and towed it away? Right? I could be wrong. Who knows. Has to have gotten pretty expensive though. 

On Saturday the police showed up for an apartment across the street. But they were walking through several of the courtyards on that side of the street looking for something or someone. Not sure what was going on. 

The high this week was 109F/42C
The low this week was 80F/26C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I hope both of your neighbours are ok.

  2. If they are paying for it, I would think that would be rather expensive when you added it all up. Even twenty bucks a day is six hundred a month.

  3. The UHaul is an interesting choice of accommodations. I suppose they could have bought one?

  4. Maybe the heat is the reason why there were two ambulances in the area (yikes, you still have 42°C?), Someone might have had a heatstroke or something.

    I guess the two women are homeless but somehow still have a truck to live in? Which would be sad of course, but at least they aren't on the streets if that's the case.

    1. Could be. Yeah it'll be that hot until next month.

  5. One of my neighbors fell this week and an ambulance had to come take her to the hospital; I need to check and see how she's doing. And I can't imagine being able to keep a U-Haul truck for that long. Another interesting week where you live. Hope this one is more quiet. :D

    1. I hope she's ok. Hopefully things will be quieter here this week but I won't count on it.

  6. The u-haul could serve as their home. That would be depressing but it's better than being on the street. Hope your neighbor is getting better.

  7. It sure has been busy in your neck of the woods!

  8. I hope your neighbors are okay. It sucks to have to call an ambulance.

  9. Ambulances, police cars, U-haul trucks - and high temperatures - thel ess pleasant side of life.

  10. I hope your neighbor is ok. I would think the Uhaul is stolen. Maybe it's from another state and that's why it's not reported as stolen?

  11. That's interesting about the U-Haul but if renting, not stolen, the cost is still cheaper than rents these days.

  12. Strange about the Uhaul. You could probably buy a used car for the same amount of months of rent of a Uhaul.

  13. That's a rough week. Hope all those the ambulance took to the hospital have been cared for and have been able to return home.

  14. Da usual business in your woods.

  15. I guess hiring a U-Haul truck must be less expensive than an apartment rental. Not much fun living in it though.

    1. No I imagine it's not fun at all.

  16. I am sorry for your neighbor who as cancer. I hope whoever the second ambulance came for is okay. Yeah, I would think it would get expensive renting a U-Haul so long. And it would have to be very hot given the summer weather you've been having.

    I hope you have a good week, Mary!

    1. Yeah, I'm sure it's been hot sleeping in the back of that thing.

  17. Oh no... I hope your neighbor (both!) are okay. I'm heading off tomorrow on a European adventure, so I won't be around for a bit. Hope you have a good few weeks. Stay safe!

  18. Yeah how could they live in a Uhaul for that long


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