Sunday, December 29, 2024

Apartment Life #349


This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 26 years here in a weekly blog post.  

Thursday night around 10PM my neighborhood filled with smoke from a fire. I looked on Pulse Point the next morning and saw two different incidents of the fire dept. investigating smoke. The one outside fire was not near here so it wasn't the cause. I didn't see fire so I went back to sleep. lol 

In the morning I looked on the Las Vegas FB incidents group I'm in and found the source of the fire had been found at 10:30PM. It must have been a big fire for it to bring smoke a few blocks away over to my neighborhood. 

Crazy enough that was the only thing that happened all week. It's been so quiet around here. 

The high this week was 62F/16C
The low this week was 44F/6C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. I am so glad it has been quiet around you. Long may that last.

  2. Though I guess the smoke must have brought some concern at first, at least you were able to rule out a fire in your vicinity...and go back to sleep LOL. Thank goodness for apps! And for the calm around there. It almost feels like Christmas 😂.

    1. lol I did go back to sleep. It was quiet around here.

  3. Oh dear. Fires are the worst. At least, it didn't grow it something more serious.
    Look forward to the next installment I'm the life hell series. 👍 Hehe 😁

    1. I'm glad it wasn't worse too. I'm glad you like these posts.

  4. I hope it continues to be peaceful for you.

  5. It stinks like smoke here as well today because it is very foggy so all the smoke from chimneys goes down... we still have a lot of people heating on wood and coal in our cities, so there is always that one neighbour or two or three or ten than stink up the whole block.

    1. There are a lot of fire places around here too. I smell it every night.

  6. People behaving during a holiday week is a nice surprise. Wow, you had a chilly week! Yesterday, I was able to take a walk because it was 55 degrees. I still wore a coat and hat 🤣

    1. I wear a sweater all the time when it gets that cold.

  7. Glad to know the fires weren't anywhere near you. And glad to hear the neighbourhood was so quiet - that makes a change!

    1. It's been very quiet. I might lose blog fodder for these posts. lol

  8. Glad no excitement this week

  9. Thankfully you & your family are safe. Fires are so dangerous.

  10. Glad to hear that the fire wasn't a big issue. I wonder if the crazies mellowed out or left town for the week between the holidays?

    1. I've seen very few of them around here. Maybe they left town for the week. lol

  11. Peace is nice, I hope it continues.

  12. I'm glad the fire wasn't closer and I'm glad you've been on a roll with some quiet times.

  13. We had a nearby fire earlier this fall that I couldn't see, but could smell. Can be scary, but I'm glad you had no other bad incidents.

  14. Smoke is scary. I'm glad it didn't turn into something bigger.

  15. Glad it was only smoke and not a major fire ~

    Happy New Year ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Glad to hear it was an easy week for you! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a wonderful New Year.

  17. It can be deceiving where smoke comes from at times. Glad it was all ok.
    Happy New Year and,
    May your heart be light, your days be bright, and your year be just right.

  18. Yea for another quiet week. I hope you had a good Christmas and a quiet NYE tonight!

    1. I am hoping it's going to be quiet tonight.

  19. That must've been a big fire indeed. I do remember a fire here a few years back that was quite far away, but we got a bunch of smoke here. Good to hear it was quiet besides that.

  20. Glad it wasn't in your complex! And let's hope the calmness continues into the new year around your neighborhood!

  21. That was not a lot for once


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