Thursday, November 16, 2023

As an American, How Many Times A Day Do We See The American Flag?

I saw a comment on Twitter a while back that said Americans display the American flag on a lot of things and when they moved here from other countries they weren't expecting to see it everywhere. I think I was just so used to seeing it all over the place that I really didn't notice how many times a day I would see it. So I thought I would take a picture every time I saw the American Flag in one day and see how many times that would be. We are a very patriotic people so I figured I would see a few. I never left my neighborhood for this either.

The first one I spotted was on the back of this guys truck. He had two American Flags back there. 

While out walking with Falcor, I noticed the one by McDonald's. 

Right next to the McDonald's. I'm not sure if all McDonald's have them displayed. 

The show I was binge watching this week I noticed that most of the people in Law Enforcement and Government jobs were wearing flag lapel pins. 

If you've watched Billions, you might have seen this. 

Flag postage stamps. 

There's a flag on the apartment building right next to mine. 

I remember after 9/11 everyone had a flag on their car and their homes. I did as well. It was a way to show solidarity with all other Americans, it was a symbol that binds us together. Personally, it's a symbol of pride and respect. I feel lucky to live in the US, and see the flag as a symbol of the US and respect it because of that. 

I think a lot of Americans feel the same way and that's why we display our flag so often. 


  1. Very few homes or cars display our flag here. It is pretty much reserved for Government displays.

    1. If I was in a car I would have a lot more pictures because we display it a lot more here.

  2. Amen to what you said! We should display our flag with pride. And we do live in a great country with a lot of freedoms. People may protest and complain about what they have here, but there are so many countries where they could go and not only would they not have those rights, they would not have the right to protest and complain either.

  3. The Union Jack is displayed all over the place in Northern Ireland, as it symbolises the desire to be part of the UK and not the Republic of Ireland. But the sheer number of union jacks on display gets a bit ridiculous!

  4. It's true that it's displayed a lot, probably more than national flags in most other countries. Where I live, you see it in places like shopping centers, as well as government buildings like the post office. You occasionally see them on people's cars as well. In small towns in this state, they're a lot commoner.

    In your first picture, I think one of those flags is actually the "thin blue line" flag, which has black-and-white stripes instead of red-and-white, with one white stripe being replaced by blue. It's not actually the US flag, but a display of support for the police.

    One unusual thing we have in the US is clothes with a US flag pattern. Most countries don't do that with their flag because it's considered disrespectful. If you wear a pair of shorts with a flag pattern, you're actually sitting on the flag every time you sit down.

    1. I didn't even notice that! I'm sure it is a lot more common to see the flag in small towns.

  5. I’ve heard that, too! Yes, I see our flag all the time and I always notice when it’s at half staff. We have a flag attached to the front of our house, but not many in our neighborhood do that.

    1. I'm sure if I was driving around I would see the flag on houses around here as well.

  6. We have a flag out front of the building but, from my observations, I don't think it's handled properly, respectfully, is just there for show. The vets on the property fly their flag, some have little flags attached to their scooters. I don't see many trucks with flags when out and about, but a few here/there. Driving to DMV yesterday, so as not to pass the building, I knew to look for the flag.

    1. Yes, my brother was a vet and he had a flag outside of his house too.

  7. Interesting talking point. My husband and FIL are both vets and the flag means a lot to me. I appreciate when a flag is flown in a respectful manner. What I don't like is how it's used as a political talking piece for certain groups. How the flag gets disrespected its value contorted by these groups. But we are a land that is based on the freedom of expression, so express away - just don't try to take away other peoples' same right.

  8. I put one out on Memorial Day and the 4th. But I have neighbors with them out all the time. I am a stickler. If it isn't lighted, it's not to be out at night. And the flag is not to be altered with any other statement such as "support the Blue" or a reference to a certain former President. That's actually against the congressional code for Flag protocol. Around here, the question is how many Confederate flags one sees. Even thought my ancestors fought in that rich man's war, I would never fly one. (I've probably said enough to state a battle...)

    1. I get that. I'm sure I would see a lot more around here if I drove around in a car. It's all apartments over here so I don't see so many flags here.

  9. I'm pretty sure our little town I live in is flag crazy, too. People fly them on the back of their trucks like the picture you took and probably every third house in the neighborhoods fly them, most businesses, government buildings, cemeteries, and yes as pins on clothes, too. Personally, we fly our porch flag from Memorial Day to Veteran's Day and then I take it down so it doesn't get torn up in the winter storms.

    I appreciated your observations, Mary.

    1. If we had harsh Winter's here I'm sure the flags would come down more.

  10. You've got me curious now about how many flags I see everyday without really noticing them; I'll have to count them up tomorrow and see.

    1. I'm curious to find out how many you see.

  11. Proud to be an American. Thanks, Mary.

  12. It's weird that people act like it's a crime to display the flag of your country, especially when I see people (in the US) flying flags of other countries. My town leans blue collar and many fly the flag here.

  13. Flags are flown here on Government buildings and some people display it in their yards.

    1. We have them on government buildings too.

  14. We were just talking about the lack of American Flags around our neighborhood. They were everywhere but now we hardly seen them. We have one and our neighbor does too. There might be 4 or 5 others here, which is sad since there is 135 houses in our development.

    1. That is sad that you see so few of them.

  15. I see American flags every day. We also hang one on our house for Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Fourth of July etc. We take it down because the wind here steals them.

    1. I'm sure the winds take a few of them.

  16. I see a lot of flags in our town and neighborhood.

  17. If it is a flag day then yes, if not then nope.


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