Thursday, July 25, 2024

Book Review: Fated To The Beast by Kenzie Skye


Book Description


Being half bear/half wolf shifter, I’ve been shunned my entire life. Now I spend my time in exile, watching over the village below my castle grounds—until one day when a fair maiden stumbles onto my land. I want her the moment I lay eyes on her. Since everyone already believes I’m a monster, I grab her and bring her back to my castle. I know it’s wrong, but I crave Fiona in ways even I don’t understand. Both my inner beasts rage at me to claim her as my mate. I can bear the scorn and hatred of others, but there is one thing I can’t endure: knowing she can’t possibly return my affections. Before I lose all control and become the monster people accuse me of being, I set Fiona free.


I never imagined forming an attachment, let alone romantic feelings for the beast of a man who has been holding me captive. Broderick has been ostracized his entire life and I can’t help but be drawn to the wounds he hides inside. Who am I to think I can offer him any solace? Yet, in my presence, he does seem more settled, more at ease. If I’m honest with myself, the inner restlessness I’ve struggled with my entire life also calms. Together we soothe each other. But then he lets me go and I’m left to wonder if we’re meant to be after all.

My Review

In this Beauty and the Beast retelling we have Fiona who is out picking berries when she accidentally travels into the Broderick's private property. He's known as The Beast of Boding because he's a shifter who when he gets upset, changes into his beast. When Fiona stands there and talks to him instead of fleeing in fear because of who he is, Broderick decides to take her back to his castle and keep her. He knows what he's doing is wrong but the pull to her is too much for him to stop himself. 

Fiona is worried about her father so Broderick agrees to send a letter to him to let him know she's fine. While Broderick might have kidnapped her, he's a complete gentleman towards her until she tries to escape and then he makes her sleep in his bed where he can keep an eye on her but he's still a gentleman. 

I loved Broderick. He was a beast but he's also such a great hero and once Fiona agrees to stop trying to escape, they come to an understanding. Watching them get to know one another better and fall for each other was so much fun. Broderick is such a nice guy and even though Fiona had rejected all the men who came calling while she was at home, she finds herself falling for Broderick. 

When Broderick comes to his senses and realizes he can't keep her captive anymore, he lets her go but the pull between them cannot keep them apart for long. I loved everything about this story. Fiona was so sweet with him and even though she wasn't sure about her feelings at first, his tenderness and caring made her see him for the great guy he was. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 


  1. The usual stuff that happen to all of us when we go out picking berries lol

  2. Hooray for a good retelling of this classic tale.

  3. I love a good Beauty & the Beast retelling, and this sounds like a fun one. :D

  4. Oh, this sounds like a great B&B retelling. Thanks for sharing!

  5. The book sounds like a real winner.

  6. Sounds like a winner, Mary. Glad you enjoyed it.

  7. I giggled at Dezmond's comment. Hooray for a 5!

  8. Yes, this does sound like one I'd enjoy, too.

  9. This sounds like a well done Beauty of the Beast retelling.

  10. Oh this sounds great


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