Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How blogging has changed For Me

Since I just celebrated my 19th blogoversary, I had this idea for a post. I've been around a long time and things have changed somewhat for bloggers and how people blog. Here are just a few things that have changed for me in that time. 

I used to just grab a picture off the internet when I wanted to add a picture. But then in 2012 things changed when I found out that you could get sued for posting pictures you found on the internet, and I almost deleted my blog because I used to post a lot of pictures. I made two blog posts about it at the time that you can find here and here. Ultimately I decided to just delete most of the pictures I had posted over the years and just change some things. So now if I want to use a royalty free picture I go to a site like Pixabay and find a picture there that I can use for free. The picture in this post are from there. 

I like using pictures in my posts because posts with pictures tend to get more traffic and pictures make the posts better, at least to me. So I take a lot of pictures myself as well. 

When I first started blogging, my friends and I started off using our blogs as diaries for the most part. One friend used hers as a site for all her recipes. I don't see a lot of personal blogs anymore, where they just talk about themselves. But I do see friends have a blog post every now and again about themselves or little snippets about their lives. I love those posts. It's nice to be able to get to know your blog friends. I value my blog and the friends I've made here because of it. 

While the types of blogs might have changed and there are more blogs sharing news, articles they find, politics and book reviews, there are still a lot of active blogs which I love. I like that I can experiment with self expression in my posts and tell stories that have happened to me as well as still share things I like. I blog for fun and to share my thoughts on things like books, products I like, freebies and my life. So I still post like I did when I first started out even though blogging has changed a bit. 

I used to see a lot of ads on blogs. So much so that they would pop up and slow my browser down. I don't see that anymore. Instead there are affiliate programs where you click on a link and the blogger who posted it will get a small revenue incentive. I don't blog to make money, I do it for fun. But something like an Amazon affiliate program might be worth looking into for the posts I share books reviews on. 

How has blogging changed for you?


  1. I read a wide range of blogs and am so grateful to be invited into people's lives, heads, homes. I do tend to avoid the ones with two many ads though.

  2. I've blogged for fifteen years and there were a lot of changes over the years. The blogger friends who still blog, I still visit. My blog's focus is different as I am an author, but outside of the IWSG I don't talk about writing and books. Glad you continue to blog after all of these years. I oly know one other person who has blogged as long as you have.

    1. 15 years is a great accomplishment.

  3. It great that you still find blogging so satisfying after so many years. And congratulations on 19 years! That is quite a milestone.

  4. So many people have left blogging over the years. Besides just a few people, I feel as though every 5 years, it’s a whole new group of people I’m interacting with.

    1. Oh I know. It's always sad when more bloggers leave.

  5. Yes, a lot has changed, old ones go, new ones come. We no longer do ads or affiliate links. But we're still doing it for fun and we enjoy the friendships.

  6. Not many people stick with blogging as long as you have. So many others have quit. I'm very glad you're still around. :D

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy the stuff I post.

  7. 19 years is very impressive, well done!

  8. I've not actually done my own blog, but have been an associate for several now. I've enjoyed each of those blogs' unique feel that matched the personality of the host blogger. I don't follow as many blogs as I did years ago, but I feel that gives me time to interact more with the ones that I do follow.

    I love your blog and the variety of posts you post up, Mary. I'm a fan of pictures and love the Pixabay site, too.

    1. Thank you so much, Sophia. That site does have great free pictures.

  9. I like personal posts too. That is why I like my TMsT posts. Cos there I can get more personal at times

    1. Yes, I love those posts that I read.

  10. Congrats on your 19th blogoversary, Mary!
    As they say "a picture is word a thousand words".
    Many good bloggers have left along the years. The reason behind it is usually - lack of relevant topics. They've usually sticked to one or two topics, and got weary of it.

    1. Thank you. I think if I stuck to just one or two topics I would get bored.

  11. Very interesting reflection here. I should check pixabay. I did use my blog as a diary at first, I thought it was going out to an unknown universe!

    1. Oh so did I. I never thought anyone would be reading my blog. lol

  12. I'm not sure what I'd call my blog. I guess for me it's a journal. There's stuff about my job, my family, me, a little bit of politics, my ongoing dislike of evangenital christians, things that make me laugh. I love reading other people's blogs when there's a mix of stuff. I like reading your blog, I feel like we're friends and that we share a lot of things in common. Always happy to see a new post from you. :)

    1. I think that's why I like your blog. I feel we're friends too. We get to know one another through our blogs and I like that.

  13. All sort of people in blog 🌎. It sure beats the other medias.

  14. Happy Anniversary. You don't see much ads anymore because our browsers now immediatelly block them. I have five ad fields at my blog, you probably don't see and click on them to feed poor little Dezzy LOL because your browser blocks them. Those ad trackers have really lowered our incomes, sadly.

  15. What I enjoyed most about blogging when I first began sixteen years ago was the blogging events. I loved being about to do a 24-hour readathon with others virtually or visit other blogs on Sunday Salon and see what they were reading and doing. I'm not sure but I think there are fewer of these events now.

    1. Yeah I do think there are fewer of them now too.

  16. Happy Blog anniversary I have been blogging for less time than you have but about 99% of my photos are what I take, if I use anyone else's I ask and credit them with the picture. I's unlikely you would get sued or charged if you remove it when asked. I have a notice telling people to ask if they want to use my photos. If you look for the Creative Commons licence you can use them free if you credit the person who took the photo.

    1. Thank you. I like the pictures you take and add to your blog.

  17. Happy 19th Blogoversary, Mary! 🎉
    It's inspiring to see how you've navigated the changing landscape of blogging over the years.
    I love how you still maintain a personal touch in your posts.
    It's wonderful to read about your life and experiences – it really does feel like catching up with a friend.
    Here's to many more years of your fantastic blog! 🌹

    1. Thank you, I really appreciate that.

  18. WOW Mary... that's a long time. I've only been blogging since... 2010 I think? Anyhow, I remember when the whole photo thing went down. I usually only put book covers or personal photos in my posts, so that didn't impact me as much, but I am way more aware. Also - having to be clear where the book came from and such.

    Personally, when I started, I was really into numbers (remember Google Followers?) and comments, plus contests - I ran them ALL THE TIME to get more traffic. Now I blog mostly for myself and those who stop by and don't work to bring in numbers.

    1. Yes, the GFC and contests to get more followers. lol I did that for a while too. I blog for me now too.

  19. Happy 19th blogoversary, and here's to many more.

    All the best Jan

  20. Hello Mary

    Just came across your blog on infidel753's blog.

    Interesting to see you almost deleted your blog. I am a little bit shocked that you felt it was that seroius? has anyone ever threatened you legally?

    I blog for fun and mostly as a diary .. but also a way to think about stuff.

    1. No, I was never threatened but I remember someone being sued for $5000 because she shared a picture on her blog and that's what made me change the way I do things. I didn't want to be sued. lol

  21. I think most people have moved their personal lives to social media and stopped or slowed blogging. I used to post my travels, but since starting my business, I don't travel for fun nearly as much as I used to. If it weren't for the honey posts each week, I'd probably let my blog go altogether at this point.

    1. Oh wow, well I'm glad you still post a bit.

  22. This was interesting to read about how your blogging changed. I also had to change something when I realized you could get sued for using certain images as my previous blog header was one a friend of mine made and I wasn't sure if that could cause problems as it was based on a popular franchise, I deleted everything with that image and got a new design.

    I always like it when bloggers do those personal posts about their lives as it's fun to get to know people besides their reviews as well. I always enjoy doing my sunday posts so I can share some things about my life.

    I am glad ads on blogs are less common now. I like the wide variety of posts you do on your blog.

    1. Thank you. I appreciate that people seem to like some of the things I post here.

  23. Congratulations on 19 years of blogging, Mary! I've only been around since 2012 and it seems like a lot have moved onto Instagram instead of blogging. I still prefer blogging over Instagram. I only post on there too because it seems like it's what publishers want. I enjoy the personal posts, like the Sunday ones because I feel like it's where we get to catch up with one another. It's fun!

    1. I don't do any book stuff over on Instagram. Just personal things and what freebies I get because the people that send me stuff want it on Instagram.

  24. I still use images I've found on the internet, but I doubt if anyone is bothered because the image is seen by so few people. In all the years I've been blogging I've only had one person complain that I used her image, and my response was to delete the image and substitute another.
    Otherwise my blogging has scarcely changed since I started in 2007. I just post about anything that's caught my attention or any personal thoughts or reflections. I still greatly enjoy the interactions with my blogmates and the interesting comments they make on my posts.

    1. That's good. I've never had a problem with a picture I've shared but didn't want the hassle. I enjoy getting to know other bloggers too.


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