Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book Review: The Changeling With The Silver Hair by Anna Hammar


Book Description

Life for Princess Aoife Quinn had not been easy since the humans had attacked Changeling Court five years before. Branded with a magical seal, Aoife was stripped of her magic and married off to someone she didn’t know or like. During her wedding, however, humans once again attacked leading to Aoife being rescued by the dark haired King of the Elven Court. Agreeing to his marriage proposal, Aoife slowly learns about the occupants of Castle Gray and heals herself from the trajeties experienced during the human war. Only, not everyone from Changeling Court is happy with the marriage announcement, leading to an unexpected threat from someone she held dear.

My Review

Aoife is a changeling but when humans attack her people, she is branded with a magical seal that essentially seals her powers. Years later her father just wants to marry her off since women aren't really worth much else but making good treaties through marriage with neighboring courts or royals. But Aoife is against this marriage to a man she doesn't love. Once again during her wedding day humans attack and kill her intended but Lysander the King of the Elven Court spirits her away to keep her safe.

Elven Court is so different from what Aoife is used to but she finds herself there as she and Lysander become closer. Everyone in Elven Court is welcoming to her even if some of them don't trust her right away. 

Once the huge secrets are revealed, it all started to make more sense. I felt sorry for all she endured all because someone close to her was not right in the head. Lysander was one of the best hero's I've read in a long time. Gosh, I loved him. He is such a great character.  Aoife ends up being stronger than she ever thought possible and I loved that for her. The way she was brought up, she was supposed to be quiet and look nice. But Lysander shows her that she can be more and oh boy, she sure is. 

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. 


  1. How does one pronounce Aoiffe? LOL

    1. I looked it up, you pronounce it EE-Fa.

  2. It is always lovely to see powerful women emerge. Particularly when they were unaware of just how powerful they can be.

  3. Glad you enjoyed this one so much

  4. Another good read, glad you liked it.

  5. I'm glad you liked it. I would give the cover a 5.

  6. This sounds like a really fun fantasy!


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