Friday, May 03, 2024

Low Carb Recipe: Roasted Shrimp with a Vegetable Medley and Crab Salad

Ever since I found out I was diabetic a few years ago I've been trying to eat better and more low carb. Some days are better than others but I'm still doing it for the most part. My A1C went from 10.1 to 8.4 and my blood sugar numbers went from 350 to 125. So I must be doing something right. I've also lost 25lbs so there's that as well. 

This is a typical low carb dinner I make. 

What You Will Need

A carton of cherry tomatoes
1 bunch or bag or fresh spinach
1 carton of mushrooms
1 lb of shrimp
1 TBSP Oil
1/2 tsp. Old Bay Seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste
1/12 tsp. Seafood seasoning of your choice
1/2 lemon

The Seafood Salad recipe link will be below. 

What To Do

Cut the mushrooms into quarters. 
Toss the mushrooms and cherry tomatoes in the oil. Add seasoning. 
Place the mushrooms, tomatoes on a baking sheet and bake at 350F for 30 minutes. Add shrimp to baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Next add the spinach to the baking sheet and place in oven for 5 minutes. After spinach has wilted a little, toss with the other ingredients on the baking sheet. Sprinkle more seafood seasoning and salt and pepper. You can add more if you like. Bake 5 more minutes or until spinach is as wilted as you like. 

The seafood salad I make calls for imitation crab meat but you can also use real crab meat if you like that better. You can use more or less mayonnaise as well depending on your taste. 

Would you eat this?


  1. Well done on turning those number round.

  2. It is good to keep on with the healthy diet. I have massively improved my heart ever since I went glu and sugar free.

  3. Unfortunately, shrimp just doesn't like me.

    1. You can always do a different meat.

  4. Yumm! This sounds right up my alley! 😋
    Have a great weekend, Mary!

  5. Totally would eat this. And, way to go getting your numbers down for a healthier you.

  6. That's wonderful, Mary! You really got your glucose number down!

    1. I told my doctor I would and I did. I don't think she believed me at first.

  7. Mary, you are doing amazing! This looks beautiful and tasty, too.

  8. Great job! My husband is pre-diabetic so I've been tweaking my recipes some. We actually eat really well mos tof the time but indulge a it too much and definitely too many carbs. He's lost 10 pounds so far.

  9. This looks delicious! I'm saving to try! :)

  10. Your recipes always look so good! Congrats on getting healthier. :D

  11. Looks delicious and perfect for you.

  12. YUM! Sounds really good, love shrimp!

  13. Very well done on getting your numbers down.
    Reducing carbs really can help.
    I like the look of this recipe.

    All the best Jan


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