Sunday, August 11, 2024

Apartment Life #330

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.  

This is the security for my apartment complex that I told you about a few weeks ago. Signs were put up with their phone number if we wanted to call them. They are not here all the time or even at regular times. You never know when you might see them. But the thing is, they never seem to get out of their car. They pull up on the street, sit there for 15 minutes and leave and then I don't see them again for a few days. lol Good going guys. Way to make us feel protected. 

I told you guys a while back that the painters never replaced the address numbers on the buildings after they painted my complex. So twice over the last 2 months I've sent them emails telling management that ambulances were having a hard time finding the right building and addresses and that could be a health hazard. They never responded but the building numbers are on the buildings again. At least the buildings closest to the street...

You can see the two buildings in this picture I took when the buildings in my courtyard were being painted. There are no building numbers for the back buildings now. 

There are two buildings in each courtyard and each one has a different building number. Well they didn't put up the building numbers for the back buildings closest to the alley, just the ones closest to the street. They messed up again. Good going guys, job well done, yet again. *Good grief*


On Friday I saw a bunch of police on my street. 

Whew boy, there was a lot of police on the street. I heard one guy say that someone got stabbed.

So I stood outside to see if I could hear anything else. Apparently 2 homeless people got into a fight and one stabbed the other in the arm.

I did see a guy be put in this police car. I never saw an ambulance but they could have come before I saw anything happening because the police weren't out here for very long. 

When I went out with the dog later after all the police had left, I found some blood on the sidewalk.

It wasn't an enormous amount but enough that you could tell someone got hurt.

Hopefully the guy is alright.

The high this week was 113F/45C
The low this week was 88F/31C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. That amount of blood suggests a pretty bad injury. Lucky for him the stabbing didn't sever an artery.

    Have you tried calling the security company about things like lurking or yelling druggies that the police don't respond to but which are nevertheless potential dangers?

    1. I personally haven't but I know two other residents have called and one time they didn't show up and another time they came, sat in their car and then drove off.

  2. Your building management (and the security) both suck.

  3. Hi, Mary!

    I'm back in the blogging game, dear friend, and happy to see you for the second time this weekend. Two months in a row, the last two times I was here for your Apartment Life feature, things in your neighborhood were unusually quiet and uneventful. Upon arriving this time, I find a more typical set of circumstances.

    I suppose the brief, unscheduled visits by the security vehicle are intended to serve as a deterrent to crime. They also give residents the opportunity to approach the car, tap on the window and voice any concerns they might have. I agree it could get very confusing, waste precious time and ultimately cost lives if they don't get numbers painted on all of the buildings on your block. That was a huge police response to an arm stabbing incident. What an unpleasant sight to see blood stains on the sidewalk as you walk Falcor. I hope the victim makes a full recovery.

    113 degree heat is horrible. Hang in there. Summer's on the run, and soon the daily highs should be dropping off a bit in your vicinity. After hitting a high temp of 99 a few weeks ago, we are currently enjoying a week in the low to mid 80s.

    I've got Pt 2 of my Need For Speed summer series up and running and hope you can swing by and check it out. Stay safe and well and enjoy the rest of your month, dear friend Mary!

    1. I don't see them as much of a deterrent when they really aren't doing anything even when they see stuff going on.

  4. Security might not be more than a deterrent, but at least the cops come when needed.
    Call the city about the safety hazard of no numbers on the buildings.

    1. That's what a few of us have thought about doing.

  5. When I saw all of those cop cars, I immediately thought there must be a donut shop nearby. Seems such a waste of resources for a simple fight and stabbing in the arm. We have the same kind of security here. They make one loop through the property, from the safety of their vehicle, at night where, unless they have superhero vision, can't see trouble. Not much of a deterrent, but easy money for them.

    1. The police do show up in force when something happens. They quickly left when I got out there though. Security doesn't really do much of anything.

  6. That's some security force LOL!

  7. Security and management did a wonderful job, no doubt 🙄. Maybe if you the resident stopped paying rent until the number were added...

    1. In my state we aren't allowed to stop paying rent for anything like that. That would give management ground to evict you and the judges always side with the managers or landlords when that happens.

  8. No one cleaned up the blood? A few years back a guy got shot in my neighborhood and the police had the fire department come out and flush all the blood from the grass with their fire truck hoses. I appreciated their efforts to keep everyone safe. And how hard is it to paint some numbers on a building? Sheesh.

    1. That blood will stay there until it rains.

  9. They need to send a search party out for those security slackers, they are pathetic. The painters are not very intelligent, you'd think you are asking them to solve a math problem. Paint the numbers on the buildings and move on, I guess they are lost. :)

  10. I'd say the security is not doing what they are there to do.

  11. I think the fire dept can site you for not having correct and clear address markings. I'd try to call them. That's dangerous. Wow, never a dull moment!

  12. You'd think the painters would have the common sense to reinstate ALL the apartment numbers, but there's not a lot of noticeable common sense these days.

  13. If we had block security here I imagine people would call them all day long for silly things LOL
    We are over 40C this week as well, hate it with passion. We have had five freaking months of summer already, when will this nightmare end?

  14. I suppose the Security vehicle is there for preventive reasons only. Are they part of the police force or private security hired by your apartment complex?

  15. It sounds like the security company does the bare minimum. Looks like there was a lot of police action for that fight. I am glad it wasn't more serious.

    I hope you are finding ways to stay cool! Have a great week, Mary!

    1. The police always show up in force for something like that.

  16. Eeek. Crazy as always

  17. More people doing a half-ass job. Ok, I'm starting to sound old! LOL!

  18. WOW! That is a lot of police cars in a row. It's like a parade! LOL.

    Did you send in another email about the half-assed number painting?

    1. There were a lot of cop cars. I did send in another email but once again I've gotten no response.

  19. How can they just leave the blood there like that? I swear, it never ends at your place.

    1. It'll stay there until the rain washes it away.


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