Sunday, August 18, 2024

Apartment Life #331

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post.

One of the vacant apartments in my apartment complex had the bedroom window busted out and the homeless people were coming and going from the bedroom of the apartment all weekend. 

Last week I was talking to one of my neighbors (Preacher) that has a little dog and walks her early in the morning like I do Falcor. I usually get up between 4AM and 6AM to take him for a longer walk before it gets really hot in the Summer time. Preacher told me that he was out walking his dog at 2:30AM and when he got back to his apartment, 7 teenagers between 16-19 years old, bum rushed him, pushed him inside his apartment, knocked him down and started kicking him in the head, and the ribs. Then they ransacked his apartment looking for anything valuable and ran out. 

 He's an ordained minister which is why people call him Preacher. He's one of the nicest guys around here. 

He also has a store in his apartment where he sells things that a convenience store would have like soda, snacks, cigars, candy ect. He also designs clothes and sells them.  He showed me his ribs and he was all bruised up.

I carry a tazer but I doubt that would do me any good against half a dozen guys beating on me. They thought he was an easy mark and thought they would get something but he said they didn't get anything of value. He called a neighbor to take him to the hospital when they left.

The very next day one of the homeless guys that always says hi to us told us that he got jumped by some teenagers and they took all his stuff. He's homeless, he has no stuff to take! That's sad.  

This neighborhood is getting bad.


On Tuesday my daughter's ex-boyfriend showed up in our courtyard after he found out that she was talking to another guy in our courtyard. 

He was on Tiktok live as he yelled for the guy to come out of his apartment and face him. When he wouldn't the ex started banging on this guys security screen and broke it. He took off soon after. Thankfully the guy who lives here had the sense to stay inside his apartment and not come out and confront the ex.

The police showed up but they said they couldn't do anything because the ex didn't hit the other guy. I would have thought they could at least get him for destruction of private property but I guess not.

But they said the neighbor should go down to the local police station and make a report in case anything else happens. Then they left. My daughter is thinking of getting a restraining order. 
The high this week was 106F/41C
The low this week was 80F/26C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. That security company you mentioned a few days ago doesn't seem to be doing any good. And the police are apparently useless. It's no wonder people engage in violent behavior there. There aren't any consequences.

    1. They seem to get away with a lot.

  2. I would have thought the police could have got him on the destruction of property too. Your daughter's ex doesn't give up does he?

    1. I would have thought but the police don't want to do anything. Yeah, the ex is just all out of control.

  3. Sad. Might depend on the value if your state is like California and won't prosecute low theft or damage values.
    Watch out for those teenagers.

  4. Preacher's got the right idea of taking things in his own hands, rather than calling the cops, who generally always annoyingly say "can't do anything". They just don't want to be bothered with the paperwork. Things really are escalating in your area since the relatively milder days of when the Drug Dealer was the problem. You and Daughter be Safe!

    1. I know there are a lot of gang members around so that might have something do do with it.

  5. Preacher is really quite a character. Hard to believe he’s in his 70’s. That’s terrible what happened to him. I’m sorry your daughter is going through some craziness.

    1. Preacher is a nice guy but quite the character. The ex won't give up.

  6. Your neighborhood is getting scary. I can't believe Preacher got attacked like that. I hope he's okay. And it's sad the police never seem to be able to do anything for anyone there. Maybe your daughter should get a restraining order. Stay safe this week!

    1. She's thinking about it. I'm not sure the police will do anything if she gets on and he comes around again though.

  7. Maybe Preacher can take care of your daughter's problem too while he's at it.

  8. This was an awful week for you in your neighbourhood.

  9. I hope the gang that attacked the preacher don't return, they might be in for a surprise. What's with your daughter's ex, he should just move along. You and your daughter stay safe.

    1. The ex just won't give up. Hopefully the gang will stay away.

  10. I grew up in public housing in New York City. Any public housing has its own set of stories - I feel for Preacher, but as for you, I hope you can afford to get out. Adventure and having stories to tell is one thing - danger including lowlifes victimizing homeless people is another, and I think your neighborhood has crossed that line into the getout zone.

    1. If I could find another affordable apartment, I would move.

  11. How sad and scary. People have gotten crazy lately. I blame all the fighting videos out there. Kids think that it's cool to beat someone up, especially when they see how many people seem to do it. I hope Preacher stays safe after this.

    1. I agree. There are a lot of videos.

  12. Oh my goodness. What kind of lowlives attack and steal from a homeless person, nevermind an elder gentleman. He looks like such a nice guy in that pharoh clothes!! :)
    Yikes. I am glad youre carrying a taser.

    1. He is a nice guy. It was wrong what happened to him.

  13. Oh my goodness. What kind of lowlives attack and steal from a homeless person, nevermind an elder gentleman. He looks like such a nice guy in that pharoh clothes!! :)
    Yikes. I am glad youre carrying a taser.

  14. Yes, if Preacher is attacked again, maybe he should start shooting as he suggests. Glad they didn't find anything valuable.

    1. I think he had all the good stuff locked up.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. For crying out loud...the police might as well not bother to show up for all the good they do. And your security? What a joke. Then again, this is probably why a lot of people just take matters into their own hands by buying guns...which is dangerous of course...

    Your daughter's ex has me worried. Maybe someone should give him a good scare...I don't know how effective a restraining order might be, though of course it would be advisable.

    1. Not sure a restraining order would be of any use but it might. Security here is useless.

  17. Omg, take care you now

  18. That's so sad about your neighbor, Preacher! He does seem like a fun character. I hope those teenagers are caught before they hurt anyone else! Your daughter should definitely get a restraining order! Her ex sounds dangerous! I hope you and your family stay safe, Mary!

    1. He is a character. I hope she does too.

  19. Poor Preacher, he is such a stylish, larger than life papi! Where are his pharaoh armies to defend the throne of Egypt?

  20. What is the world coming to? Beating a 70 year old man with cancer. Your daughter should get it on record that her ex is a violent stalker. That way she could call police since the security stinks at your place. Be extremely mindful when your walking Falcor. I don't want anything to you.

    1. I have been. He's been seen here this week just skulking around too.

  21. Oh, not a great week for the locals. I hope your daughter stays safe. That is so scary. And the poor people who are being beaten on by this group of teens. It's too bad that are such horrible people out there.

    1. It is. I wish he had called the police but he won't.


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