Sunday, September 01, 2024

Apartment Life #333

This is a weekly blog post that I'm calling Apartment Hell  Life. I've mentioned a few times some of the crazy things that have gone on in and around my apartment complex and in my neighborhood in the past 25 years that I've lived here and people keep telling me I should write a book. But instead of a book, I've decided to share the crazy things that have happened in and around my apartment complex in the last 25 years here in a weekly blog post. 

The police showed up for a domestic violence issue in one of the courtyards in my complex. The helicopter was up for a while because they were looking for someone. Not sure if they found them or not. 

There's two police cars parked there. They came into my courtyard on Wednesday and were talking with one of the neighbors. The guys girlfriend was screaming and pounding on the door to let her back in. She's actually done this a few times but she always comes back and he always takes her back after acting like this. She broke out their living room window one time a couple of months ago too. She took off before the police got here and he never answered the door so they left. I'm sure someone else in the courtyard called the police because of the all the pounding on the door she was doing. 

I was standing on the sidewalk where the blood still is from the stabbing a few weeks ago and Mike, one of the homeless guys I say hi to, walked by. Right away a guy from across the street quickly rushed across the street to him and pulled his knife out. Mike saw him, stopped, pointed at the blood on the ground and said, "Whoa dude, it's already happened." I have no idea what that was about other than I think I almost saw Mike get stabbed just then. But the guy just stood there watching Mike walk down the sidewalk while he had his knife in his hand. I had my hand on my tazer the whole time. But the guy put his knife away and walked back across the street. Stuff happens around here just that fast, it's crazy.

The high this week was 104F/40C
The low this week was 76F/24C

So that's it for this week's Apartment Hell  Life! Be sure to come back next week for more.


  1. Definitely crazy. I am glad for you (and Mike) that you didn't see another stabbing.

  2. "he never answered the door so they left"
    For real? Just like that? I'd have expected them to have him come out eventually...that's how seriously they take their job 😬.

    The thing with Mike and the other guy was surreal. I hope the poor guy doesn't get stabbed again...

    1. Unless the police have a warrant or believe that something bad is happening inside the house/apartment, they can't enter if you don't open the door. This happens a lot around here.

  3. So many stabbings these days. Glad that you weren't on the receiving end.
    A weird sort of relationship where someone repeatedly leaves in a rage and then goes back again.

    1. I see it a lot. People get mad, fight, and then come back to do it all over again.

  4. Okay, that was really freaky. I'd go out like a knight, armed to the gills, in that neighborhood.

  5. Hi, Mary!

    After a few weekly reports of peace and tranquility in your neighborhood earlier this summer, tension has been on the rise and violence escalating in the last two months I was here. I remember the stabbing incident that happened prior to my last visit. I remember regretting at the time and still regret that you and my buddy Falcor needed to pass that blood stain whenever you went on your daily walks. It is especially troubling that you encountered an aggressive man armed with a knife this past week. Yessum, always keep Falcor's leash in one hand and that taser in the other. I am also bummed that you and your neighbors must listen to screaming, glass breaking and door pounding whenever that couple has a domestic dispute. Hopefully one of these days the cops will separate the two, because they clearly have a toxic relationship.

    I hope to see you again this coming Thursday, Friday or Saturday when I return to blogging with a new post. Take good care of yourself and Falcor until my next visit to Dark Thoughts at the start of October, dear friend Mary!

    1. There haven't been many weeks where it was really quiet and nothing bad was happening. It happens every once in a while but not lately.

  6. How bizarre. It sounds like everyone is on drugs.

  7. That is pretty scary and I'm glad you always have your tazer with you.

  8. Is it possible the guy with the knife thought he was rescuing you from Mike?

    1. I seriously doubt it. Everyone around here knows Mike it pretty harmless. Mike just walked by me, he didn't even stop to talk or anything. The other guy with the knife hardly even looked at me. No, he just wanted to stab Mike.

  9. That guy rushing across the street like that with a knife is totally crazy! I'm glad neither your nor Mike got hurt. Stay safe this week, Mary.

  10. That is very scary, glad nobody got hurt. Stay safe.

  11. OH MY!! I'm so thankful that situation didn't escalate with you right there. I hope this week is a calmer week for you. And hey... we are heading into your favorite time of year!

    1. I hope this week is calmer but I won't hold my breath. It's almost Halloween month!

  12. A Knfe needs no law and licence; so it has become the weapon of preferrence. God protect us from these knifers!

    1. Knives here are only legal if they are 3" or less. If the police catch you with a knife that's bigger than that they can write a ticket or take you to jail.

  13. Ah, you live in the "interesting" neighborhood. Why people keep going back to a partner that they're clearly not happy with...

    1. Interesting is one for for it. lol

  14. A neighborhood where a taser is a must. People are on edge and act without thinking.

    1. Forgot once again to sign my name. Alana

    2. No worries, I have your blog bookmarked now.

  15. It's surprising how dangerous a situation can turn in such a short time! Stay safe, Mary!

  16. That's a scary situation with the knife.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  17. Wow. I am glad the knife situation didn't escalate. That sounds scary.

    When the temperatures here are high, I know yours are usually higher. I hope we see some cooler weather soon.

    Have a good week, Mary!

    1. Oh I hope for cooler temps soon too. Definitely next month will be cooler.

  18. Not a day goes by without a stabbing over in your neck of the woods.

  19. Omg that is so scary


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